Friday, September 13, 2013


We are moving – and have a real address!

We just got back from a four day trip to Cuenca with our friend/driver/guide Jorge.   It was intended as a chance to get acquainted with and pay for a search team to look for a new home in that city.  Never having actually been to Cuenca, just relying on a couple years of research, we  made the quantum leap of deciding to move from small town Ecuador to the City.  We stayed at the only hotel that cleared both of our hurdles of allowing dogs and being handicap accessible right in the heart of the historic district.  That had its benefits and drawbacks.  Downtown historic area of Cuenca is very busy, very noisy and a lot of fun.  Poor Ginger had to learn quickly about walking on crowded sidewalks with lots of people wanting to pet her as she walked by.  Pepper was fine.  Not much bothers the old boy.
We started out with a meeting with of a couple from the states who feel that what is happening in Cuenca was just wrong for the native Cuencanos and non-wealthy ex-pats as housing prices are becoming out of range for many of these people.   Americans and others have come in, bought up land and homes, and are now renting at highly inflated prices.  So this family felt they had an obligation to help and started working with owners (shaming?) to get them to reduce their pricing to fair market so that the average person can afford to live there.   It turned into a marathon of looking at any homes that came even close to our needs.   The few places we had seen on-line were already rented.   We ended up working with their son, Brandon, who was personable and sweet and as gung-ho as anyone we have run across.  

Our parameters were the same as the hotel, plus a home on all one floor or at least one bedroom (or office) on the main floor with a bathroom that was accessible – even sort of - and a shower.   I already knew that was a long shot.  Most homes here are living space on the main floor – sleeping on the second.  We looked at a couple homes with an office, but they were either not something I could enter or the bath was a simple sink and toilet.  Jorge – being Jorge - found all kinds of ways to counter these obstacles but that would have been an additional expenditure by either us or the landlord. 

We had already talked about a condominium.  Not quite as nice for the dogs, though we already take them out for two walks a day just because they like that.  So we looked at several condos.  One was too uppity and dark.  A lot of dark wood.   The price was good, but I felt as if we should have to wear a three piece suit at all times and hire a butler, and they wanted us to confine the dogs to the kitchen.  Then we saw one that was bright and light and huge and dang near perfect.  Two great balconies, green area near-by for the dogs, three bedrooms (for those thinking of a visit) 2 baths – one of which I could get totally into, nice kitchen, good price - well you get the idea.  We took it.   So we had to stay an extra day to sign a contract which had the scrutiny of both Brandon AND Jorge, so it is good.

So now, we have to deal with the telling our current landlady that we must leave.  Jorge (bless his heart) is going to help us through that, too.   I have started the process of locating a moving company, so we should be moved by October 5.  I will send the address once I am sure I have it correct. 

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