Monday, August 19, 2013

Pictures - finally

Things have slowed down a bit as we are getting more settled in.  Our furniture has been delivered.  It’s nothing fancy, but a place to read other than the bedroom. 

We had a bit of a scare when we started running low on Pepper’s medications.  I thought that since we were having no problems finding what medications we needed, the same would be true for the pets.  Not so.  He takes high dose thyroid, as his doesn’t work at all anymore, and it isn’t a dose used for people.  I know because I tried to buy it from the pharmacies in the states thinking it would cost less, but it wasn’t available at all.  But, veterinarians all had it in stock.  So, we checked the veterinarian closest to us.  He said he didn’t have it and doubted that we would be able to locate it anywhere in Sucua or Macas.  We tried another veterinarian with the same story.  So, I called Jorge.  He called his veterinarian in Macas – same answer.  He finally called a friend of his in Cuenca and found it there.  He had it overnighted to him and he brought it by.  Were down to Pepper’s last pill and we had put him on ½ rations at that.  Pepper feels fine now, and we now know we need to send off to Cuenca to get his meds.   Or move closer to where such things are available.  That thought hits us more all the time.  We love the quiet and the beauty of where we are, but life keeps reminding us we are not in our 30’s anymore.  

To that end, we are planning a week-long tour with trusty Jorge in late September/early October to go see Loja and Cuenca and the many towns in between.   Jorge will not be happy about us moving, but he will help, anyway.  I am leaning toward Loja (population 152,000) at this point, as it isn’t as large as Cuenca (417,000), but is larger than Sucua (10,000).  For younger and/or more physically independent folks I would highly recommend this town, however.  Perfect weather and such beauty!  

Now, the pictures:
Dining Room (& Ginger's head)

Living Room and pups
Bed room - still looking for a bedspread
The "closet"we had built
View out our office window - lots-a-green
Kitchen shot 1 and...
kitchen shot 2

Ginger being Ginger
Banana trees sans bananas

Tree in center back - Papaya with cluster of papayas at trunk

Road that runs by our house and ends up at a river.
Yuca growing across the street from us.
I tried to take some shots of the outside of the house, but they didn’t come out.  Our landlady has planted beautiful flowers all around.  They are starting to really take off now, so I will try to get some nice shots of those.  I was also looking for a cocoa tree, but I guess the cocoas have all been picked too.  When I see some more ripening, I will get a shot.



  1. You two are amazing-and we love your blog! How far is Cuenca from your current house?

  2. Right now, it takes about 5-6 hours, but when the road that they are working on is finished, about 3-4 hours. This trip, we will be going the long way thru Loja, then North to Cuenca, then back.
